Friday, May 1, 2015

I know that time and time I mention that Turkey is a beautiful country and this is not a lie. I am pretty sure that anybody who travelled to Turkey at once or any expert about travel would agree me about this topic. However, today I would like to give you information on a different thing; the economy of Turkey. Turkey has a strong economy and getting even more stronger. If you ask any economy expert they are going to tell you that Turkey is going to be one of the best economies in the world in a short time. There are many reasons behind that, a strong policy, a strong work force and power force. Also, the government of Turkey is strong so can it can give the country a boost. Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and there are no reason it is not going be that. I know many experts do not agree me on that but I can foresee that Turkey is going to be one of the strongest economies in the world by the year of 2023. Of course, 

Republic of Turkey has founded in the year of 1923 so the year of 2023 marks the 100th year of Turkey. Turkish government made a lot of plans regarding to that and the government predicts that Turkey is going to 5th biggest economy in the world by the year of 2023. And, what can prevent Turkey from being the top economy in the world in 2023? The answer is : nothing.

Turkey is one of the most important marble countries in the marble countries in the world. Turkey produces a good amount of marbles and those marbles are not just for the use of Turkish people, to use in domestic market in other words, those marbles are to sold everywhere in the world. You can ask who buys the Turkish marbles? A lot of don’t know it, but Turkish marble is one of the most popular marbles in the world. It looks good, has a  good quality and of course in good value. It is cheaper than the marbles in the other countries. Turkey marbles are so easy to sell and maintain it’s form for many years. That’s why many people in the other countries prefer to buy Turkish marbles over other marbles. So, you guys can make out that if you study in Turkey, there is a good amount of money that you can earn. For example, there are many decent universities in Turkey to study international trade. One student can try his luck to study in international trade department in a private Turkish university, after his graduation that student can go and try his luck to start a company on international trade or try to find a good luck to find a job that pays him a good amount of money. There are many companies out there, in Turkey or international companies, who are ready to pay a lot of money to give a student who is graduated from a Turkish university.

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